Previewing restructuredtext documents

2013-03-06    Filed under linux, Tags markup web python

These are instructions to install restview, that is a software to quickly preview the restructuredText documents created with a text editor in a browser. My Linux distribution is Archlinux, so you may have to adapt some commands for yours.

Install docutils (it is the package that process the restructured text to convert it to html):

pacman -S python2-docutils

Install pygments:

pacman -S python2-pygments

Install the restview previewer:

yaourt -S restview

Now it is necessary to make docutils aware of a new directive (like a new command) that we will use to markup pieces of source code in the restructured text file.

Download the restructuredtext directive rst-directive that comes with pygments and save it as ~/bin/ You can edit it to modify the directive, specially the command directive name used to activate the pygments processor. I leave it as sourcecode as it comes by default.

Create a copy of restview command to a user directory that is included in the PATH before the /usr/bin/:

cp /usr/bin/restview ~/bin

Edit the copied file so that it imports the directive before processing the rest file. In my case it looks like this:

# EASY-INSTALL-ENTRY-SCRIPT: 'restview==1.2.2','console_scripts','restview'
__requires__ = 'restview==1.2.2'
import sys
from pkg_resources import load_entry_point

# Edited for REST directive:
import rst_directive

if __name__ == '__main__':
      load_entry_point('restview==1.2.2', 'console_scripts', 'restview')()

Now, when I run command restview from command line, the ~/bin/restview gets executed instead of /usr/bin/restview and the directive is imported so it is available.

I can then insert code in this way:

.. sourcecode:: python

    print "Hello world"

I can edit it in vim for example and if I run the command restview <myfile.rst> a browser opens and connects to a local port to preview the converted file. Every time I save it and press reload in the browser the local server restview converts it again to HTML.


Responsive layout and semantic grids

2013-02-27    Filed under programming, Tags css web responsive compass sass

Responsive layout is a technique to display web pages properly in all display sizes, (desktop, tablets, mobile phones,...). As the screen size goes changing, the size of fonts, layout of text, images and everything changes to adapt to the device.

Although you could write responsive CSS code directly using media queries doing so is very hard because of the different implementations of CSS in different browsers.

The best approach is to use a CSS framework that is capable of responsive layout. They make it easy to produce consistent results among browsers and with much less effort. Most of the times ...

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